Choosing the right professional to design your site could be one of the most important decisions that you will make for your business, especially if your business is predominantly online.

There are so many things to weigh when making this potentially business changing decision. In an effort to not attempt to re-invent the proverbial wheel, Check out this article posted “10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Webmaster”.

When you get done there, be sure to give us a call. 😉

That’s a great question. When your business is just starting out, we understand finances are tight and you do what you have to do to get things up and running. However, once things are beginning to pick up you absolutely should put thought into hiring a true professional.

There are a lot of people that claim that they can build a website. And they probably can. However, there’s a big difference in a site that is designed by your cousin who has made 4 sites for other friends and someone who does this for a living.

True professionals can show you a portfolio of clientele with clean lines and a user experience that’s unsurpassed. If your customers can’t efficiently use the site then your sales will suffer. If your site lags, takes forever to load or has dead links, your sales will suffer.

For many people their website is the first and sometimes only impression they will ever get of your products. What will that impression be? Will it be one that they question the integrity of your product because the website your selling them from doesn’t seem to have been made well? Or will it be one that they are so impressed by the site that they naturally feel led to trust in the design and integrity of your product? That’s all up to you.